If you’ve ever watched a shark movie, you might think these creatures are terrifying, bloodthirsty monsters just waiting for their next meal. But what if we told you that the reality is far different, and you are twice more likely to be killed by a cow than by a shark! Sounds crazy, right? But it’s true!
Sharks have a terrible reputation, thanks to Hollywood and scary news stories. But the reality is very different: sharks aren’t hunting humans, they don't care about us.
But ok, let’s talk numbers!
On average, sharks are responsible for about 10 deaths per year worldwide.
Meanwhile, cows cause around 20 deaths per year—mostly from trampling or charging at farmers but still, it's double the amount of the sharks. Who's the monster now?
To put it into perspective, you’re more likely to be killed by a vending machine, lightning, or even a coconut falling from a tree than by a shark!
Why divers love sharks
For divers, spotting a shark is an exciting and unforgettable experience. Seeing these graceful creatures in their natural habitat is nothing like the scary movies.
Most sharks are shy and uninterested in humans, and divers who respect their space can safely enjoy watching them up close.
In Egypt’s Red Sea, we are lucky to have encounters with amazing species like reef sharks, whale sharks, and even hammerheads. These moments are thrilling but completely safe when you follow the right diving guidelines.
How to stay safe around sharks
Even though shark attacks on divers are extremely rare, here are some simple tips to ensure a safe and fun experience:
Stay calm – Sharks don’t see divers as food, and sudden movements can startle them.
Dive in groups – Sharks are naturally cautious and tend to avoid groups of divers.
Respect their space – Don’t try to touch or chase them. Enjoy watching them from a safe distance.
Avoid shiny jewellery – It can look like fish scales and attract unwanted attention.
So should we fear sharks under the water? Absolutely not! Sharks are essential for ocean ecosystems, keeping fish populations healthy and maintaining balance in the marine world. Instead of fearing them, we should admire and protect them.
So next time someone says sharks are dangerous, remind them: cows are twice as deadly! Come dive with us in the Red Se, hopefully we will see these beautiful creatures up close together, because remember: sharks are not monsters, they are just misunderstood fish with bad PR!